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Chapter 4

Depth and Simultaneous Attack Battle Lab OCRs

The domination of extended battlespace will require agile and robust deep and simultaneous attack capabilities. Advancements in this dynamic may drive a reassessment of the traditional relationship between fire and maneuver. Combining the concepts of deep operations and simultaneous attack using both lethal and nonlethal means creates a dynamic capability to extend the battlespace in space, time, and purpose; to reduce, if not entirely eliminate, the time and need to shape the battlespace; to facilitate full-dimensional attack of an enemy center of gravity; and to accelerate his defeat. Simply stated, depth and simultaneous attack will enable the commander to directly influence the enemy throughout the width , height , and depth of his battlespace to stun, then rapidly defeat an enemy.

Depth and Simultaneous Attack

4.1 DSA01: Extend Ranges of Deep Attack Systems.

Future systems must provide for extended ranges allowing the attack of targets at great depth, in order to adequately defeat future missile threats and to conduct precision strikes against critical targets developed at the Corps and EAC.

4.2 DSA02: Extend Ranges of Theater Missile Defense systems.

Tactical Ballistic Missile Counterfire systems, and Forward Area Air Defense systems, including aviation, air defense, field artillery, and Special Operations Forces systems to achieve effective Theater Missile Defense.

4-3. DSA03: Smart and Brilliant Munitions for Deep Attack.

Current arsenal of attack munitions are predominantly "dumb" munitions and have limited sub-munitions options. Future deep attack munitions must include greater reliance upon smart and brilliant munitions and sub-munitions. Munitions and submunitions must have a greater range of application for flexibility of operations against a wide range of target types/profiles. Significantly improved or elimination of munitions/sub-munitions dud rates to eliminate unexploded ordnance hazards.

4-4. DSA04: Theater Missile Two-Tiered Defense.

Current air defense systems must have enhanced capabilities to conduct a two-tiered Theater Missile Defense.

4-5. DSA05: Enhanced Survivability of Deep Attack Systems.

Currently, the majority of systems supporting deep operations have limited survivability capabilities. Improvements are required for detection avoidance and/or increased armaments protection, to include warning and alerting the force simultaneously within Active Defense architecture before the Tactical Ballistic Missile (TBM) impacts and to discriminate between Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and conventional warheads.

4-6. DSA06: Fratricide Avoidance.

There is limited protection against fratricide. Future requirements include increased protection against friendly fire engagements with on-board friend or foe identification means and enhanced battlefield tracking systems.

4-7. DSA07: Real-Time, On-Board, All-Weather Precision Terrain Location.

Current mapping capabilities are limited. Future systems must include digitized mapping linked to satellite operations providing up to date location capabilities. Single source of all mapping/terrain data and coordinates is required.

4-8. DSA08: Robust, Streamlined, Multi-Node Processing.

Sensor data gathered at Corps and EAC must pass through a number of communications nodes before targeting data is available to shooters. A robust streamlined processing system is required to facilitate rapid decision making, thus improving shooter responsiveness. A seamless architecture allowing real time data to reach aviation, air defense, and field artillery shooters is required to support Joint Precision Strike and Theater Missile Defense operations.

4-9. DSA09: Real-Time Location and Identification of Targets.

Current sensor capabilities that attempt to classify and locate targets are inadequate. Deep attack systems must have real time sensor data that provides sufficient detail in location and identification of targets, reducing time lines by eliminating man-in-the-loop analysis and improving overall responsiveness in Joint Precision Strike and Theater Missile Defense.

4-10. DSA10: Real-Time Seamless National Targeting Dissemination.

Limited connectivity and data base management exists among national sources, Corps, and EAC. Future capabilities must provide real time collection of targeting data from national sources tied directly to Corps and EAC intelligence collection centers with the capability of linking specified shooter elements into a seamless national targeting dissemination system. This will facilitate the improved attack capability for critical targets to include missile logistical sites, infrastructure, and other key targets such as command and control, follow on forces, and targets normally associated with precision strike requirements.

4-11. DSA11: Long Dwell Surveillance At Corps and EAC.

Currently the numbers and types of tactical sensors available to the Corps and EAC are limited and have constrained dwell-time capabilities to search required areas of interest. Future capabilities include an increase in dedicated target acquisition systems for Corps and EAC.

4-12. DSA12: Day/Night All Weather, All Terrain Sensors.

Currently, acquisition systems are weather and terrain dependent. Sensors must have a day/night, all weather, all terrain capability that provides accurate location and identification of targets, to include capability to discriminate between WMD and conventional warheads throughout the depth of the battlefield.

4-13. DSA13: Accurate, Real-Time BDA.

Limited Battle Damage Assessment is available to commanders. Future sensors must have the ability to provide accurate real time BDA throughout the depth of the battlefield.

4-14. DSA14: Rapid Location and Identification of Passive Targets.

Passive targets are generally not detectable with today's technology. Future capabilities and attack systems must include the ability for sensors to locate and identify passive targets as soon as possible allowing for early defeat of theater missile, logistical forces, chemical and biological facilities, as well as other critical targets generally associated with tactical and operational centers of gravity.

4-15. DSA15: Automated Interoperable Communications.

Current communications and automation interoperability is limited. Future capabilities must include the ability for EAC and Corps to have total, uninterrupted communications and automated linkage throughout the depth of the battlefield. Additionally, there is a need for easy access to functional area data without time consuming sorting on the part of the users. Improving interoperability will greatly assist in defeating critical targets.

4-16. DSA16: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Decision Aids

Future capabilities must include an automated artificial intelligence network that streamlines coordination and planning steps in support of deep attack operations.

4-17. DSA17: Information Fusion Technology Supporting Precision Strike.

Fusion of intelligence information and deep attack coordination and planning is fragmented and characterized by extended man-in-the-loop operations. Deep operations coordination cells are required to support Corps and EAC in planning, coordination, and execution of deep attack operations to include precision strike, theater missile defense, and the synchronization of associated air defense and aviation operations.

4-18. DSA18: Near Real-Time Deconfliction of Airspace and Targeting Data.

Deconfliction of airspace coordination is too slow and cumbersome. Effective coordination requires capabilities for near real-time deconfliction of targeting data and airspace usage, possible directly linked to shooters and aircraft, allowing for a streamlined, decentralized capability that would reduce overall coordination time.

4-19. DSA19: Communications Interoperability Between Joint and Coalition Forces.

Currently there is limited communications interoperability between joint and coalition forces. Future capabilities must include devices that provide automatic interfacing among joint and major coalition forces in support of deep attack operations.

4-20. DSA20: Terrain Independent Communications and Information Distribution.

Currently, there is inadequate communications from corps to subordinate units. Future capabilities must reduce the time required for installation and networking of communications systems and reduce terrain dependency.

4-21. DSA21: Rapidly Deployable Attack Systems.

Current surface to air and surface to surface attack systems have limited strategic and theater deployability. Future capabilities must include attack systems that can be easily and rapidly deployed.

4-22. DSA22: Enhanced Mobility for TMD and Precision Strike Attack Systems.

Current surface to air and surface to surface attack, C2, and support systems have limited tactical mobility. Future capabilities must include systems with tactical mobility comparable to the supported force.